

De ParisTech Review: Etes-vous prêts pour la bulle verte?  Robert Bell / Président du département des sciences économiques, Brooklyn College, City University de New York / April 14th, 2010 bubbles and crises green economy Au cours des prochaines années, une immense bulle “verte” de marché verra le jour alimentée par la […]

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From ParisTech Review:  Robert Bell / Chairman, Department of Economics, Brooklyn College, City University of New York / April 14th, 2010 Are you prepared for the Green Bubble? In the coming years, a huge “green” market bubble will emerge, driven by a pervasive fear of global warming, a panic away from […]

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Press Releases

  Release Press Contact:   Barry Pascal THE GREEN BUBBLE – Waste Into Wealth: the New Energy Revolution by Robert Bell is now AVAILABLE in the United States  … the first attempt to lay out the scenario of “after oil”, combining considerations of energy, geopolitics, the functioning of business and […]

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EU Parliament Project Volt Gas Volt

Breakthrough Green Program, Project Volt Gas Volt, Called for at EU Parliament – Can Make Nuclear, Natural Gas, Fracking, and Biofuels Obsolete A breakthrough green renewable energy program, Project Volt Gas Volt, was called for this week at the EU Parliament in Brussels held by Corinne Lepage, Member of the […]

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Les Peches Capitaux de la Haute Technologie

Le contraste devient aujourd’hui frappant entre les promesses des technologies de pointe et les échecs, voire les catastrophes, qui sapent tant de grands projets : la défaillance initiale d’Ariane 5, l’incendie du Tunnel sous la manche, l’abandon de Superphénix, les tribulations de l’avion militaire Eurofighter, le fiasco de la navette […]

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Impure Science

In an alarming expose of the scientific community, City University of New York economics professor Bell charges that all aspects of our welfare, social and military infrastructure are threatened by extensive fraud, secrecy and fierce competition for research funds from government and industry. While whistle-blowers are penalized, he notes, especially […]

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Project Volt Gas Volt

Renewable energy can now “keep the lights on” without disruption, thanks to a new technology that makes it possible to store surplus energy from wind, solar and nuclear sources. EU Member of Parliament, Corinne Lepage and American Professor Robert I. Bell have proposed a potential solution to the global warming […]

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The Green Redemption Fund

On Tuesday, November 9, 2010, I gave a keynote address at the G20 in Seoul, Korea, at the Universal Ethics Summit, one of the three events organized by the host government, with the aid of the Won Buddhist organization. In this speech I said that governments, run by officials focused […]

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The Green Bubble / La Bulle Verte

the first attempt to lay out the scenario of “after oil”, combining considerations of energy, geopolitics, the functioning of business and markets, extending to the mores of American society.                                           […]

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